Mandy Richardson

Having sung in several different choirs over many years I felt perhaps I was too old to have singing lessons. I have been told in the past that I have a pleasant singing voice but only once since becoming an adult have I been brave enough to sing a solo, and that was because I was asked to sing a part whilst another person was away. This, however, turned out to be a sort of ‘audition’ without me realising it, otherwise my nerves would have got the better of me! Lacking in confidence in my ability as a singer has prevented me from putting myself forward for anything other than choral singing.

I have often considered singing lessons but never actually done anything about it. As a lady of quite mature years and also a full time Carer for my daughter I believed I had left it too late. However, I plucked up the courage to look on the internet for a singing teacher within a reasonable distance of my home and found the website for Michael Spacie. I ‘phoned and left a very nervous message, but still wasn’t sure, but Michael called me back and immediately put me at ease. We agreed on an introductory lesson and Michael gave a very constructive feedback, building my confidence even after that one meeting. I continued with tuition and have since gained a great deal of knowledge about breathing technique, vocal exercises, finding my own voice range and of course the enjoyment that comes from singing. I am now able to consolidate all the above and look forward with pleasure to each singing lesson.

Because of the supportive way Michael teaches and his ability to put students at their ease, my previous fears were unfounded, and I have achieved both Grade 5 Practical Solo Singing exam with 94 marks out of 100 and Grade 7 Practical Solo Singing Exam gaining 85 marks out of 100. I have also achieved 118 marks out of 150 for a first level performance diploma in solo singing.

I have proved to myself that if you truly want to achieve something then it is never too late. I just wish I had done it years ago!

Mandy R. (Retired Civil Servant)