It has been said that wives are indispensable. In my case I thoroughly agree! Sandra is great at organising and making sure everything is done on time and in helping in the general smooth running of things on the days we have lessons scheduled. Moreover, and importantly, she is the constant source of support, encouragement and refreshment that enables me to give quality time to others. She also happens to be my best friend and soul-mate as well as my wife. It is also good that Sandra is willing to share in my music website; she is pictured in my music studio and appears on the ‘Mrs Sandra Spacie Page’ and in the images of the ‘Mrs Sandra Spacie Page’ auto-slider as well as on the ‘Contact Page’ of my website. I asked her: ‘What is it like to be the wife of a Music Tutor?’ Below is her written account.
Dr Michael Spacie
What is it like to be the wife of a Music Tutor?
“I went to Mike for piano lessons in January 1992 and met him hoping to take up learning to play the piano but we both happened to be eligible and were in a relationship with each other in less than a month! Actually at the piano, I can only remember getting as far as Middle C! Fortunately at the time Mike had got his business fairly well established, so I knew pretty much what I was taking on.
Eventually we decided to have a secret elopement to Gretna Green in November 2005 for a civil marriage ceremony over the anvil and a civil blessing of marriage over the anvil and I found myself being called Mrs Spacie! Furthermore, Gretna Green is a great romantic venue and the civil ceremonies were both wonderful and meaningful in spite of it being a cold and very blustery November day in Scotland!
Although Mike is always doing something for someone, he is always there for me and we are very close as a couple. We have now been together for 33 years since 1992. I consider myself greatly enriched and very fortunate and fulfilled to have married someone who is very caring and considerate but that also has a great and wonderful gift of real natural ability to love, both physically and emotionally.
I really enjoy supporting Mike in his successful life as a musician and music tutor.”
Mrs Sandra Spacie